
PURISTIC: solid board in Oak RIFT& QUARTER


Project fir/ Abies Alba: RIFT in special surface


panel "Versailles" made from bog oak

Color deviation in real bog oak

Original panel "Versailles", done each from 42 pieces

Project/ Chevron in color of smoked oak, brushed& "invisible" oiled

Chevron or French Fishbone/ grading in oak SELECT

In comparison to RIFT& QUARTER, the elements in grading SELECT are done in mixed texture of the oak. It means that you will have tangenial elements with "flower"-texture in combination with straight -lines of the RIFT& QUARTER - elements.

Chevron orFrench Fishbone/ grading in Oak RIFT& Quarter

Most elegant grading for French Fishbone is done from highend oak with narrow annual rings, when the logs are cut and sorted in RIFT& QUARTER. Then the fibre of each oak is directed straight in a line. The effect of French Fishbone is mystic, but also puristic.

Project:Margin board done in 3 parts - unit of basketry project

For that Project "basketry", we are using on the margin 3 elements - from inside to the margin: Strip in oak with both side Wengé inlet (n.b.: it will Limit the continious Installation of the basketry in each room), middle element "ladder" which will adapt to longer elements at the door threshold, the final plank in oak Strip with 1x Wengé inlet will continue into the next room.

Project: Basketry pattern

Endless or continuous pattern "basketry", assemblied by "quarter"& "Strip" - elements which are turned regularly. In comparison to "Versailles"- Panels, the pattern "basketry" is not split in numerous panels. The Advantage: it can be installed without to consider too much the existing geometry of the rooms. However: you Need a high skilled installer in order to achieve that floor you desire. 

Tafelparkett in selected rift& quarter elements from oak

Bespoken Panel [760 x 760 mm], which is done from very selected elements in oak (fine annual RIFT& QUARTER - cut) and sort off elements with the stronger visible medullary rays. The surface is slightly brushed and applied with lighten/ whitish oil.

Topstyle Flooring

Topstyle Flooring GmbH
Thomas Schneider
St.-Rupertus-Straße 4
D-83549 Eiselfing/ Bachmehring

Fon +49 (0)8071 90433 0
Fax +49 (0)8071 90433 9

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