Abies Alba
Indication of origin
Density of the wood ρ (by MC ~ 6-8%)
ca. 500 kg/ m³
Hardness of the wood ( Brinell HB˾)
14 N/ mm²
Shrinkage of wood β[%/ΔMC%] axial βl /radial βr /tangential βt
q, Rift: 0,19 %/ Delta u%; q, Tangential: 0,39 %/ Delta u%
Characteristics of the wood
Boards in solid Fir, 25 mm x 130 mm x 3.000 - 5.000 mm
Small gaps were intensiously done during installation. The purpose is to keep the moving limited to each single element and not to effect too much the entire surface. So the Extension gap around the entire surface can be executed with only a small distance. This was requested by the final customer due to esthetic considerations.