Abies Alba
Indication of origin
Density of the wood ρ (by MC ~ 6-8%)
ca. 500 kg/ m³
Hardness of the wood ( Brinell HB˾)
14 N/ mm²
Shrinkage of wood β[%/ΔMC%] axial βl /radial βr /tangential βt
q, Rift: 0,19 %/ Delta u%; q, Tangential: 0,39 %/ Delta u%
Characteristics of the wood
Fir solid, RIFT-cut, limited knots, brushed; here without application
General: FIR
Natural part of the forests in South Germany. Grown similar like spruce, the logs are tall and mostly straight grown. It means that this wooden specie is suitable for long& wide boards.
Color and texture are similar to European spruce.
Advantage: European Fir has no resin inside the grain of the wood. It means that products, done in fir, don´t get anymore sticky by penetration of heat inside the room.